Lot 133: Sold for £80 hammer
A Victorian silver mustard, makers mark worn, London 1896, with blue glass liner, a silver...
A Victorian brass mounted rosewood vanity box with fitted interior containing later assort...
Lot 133: Sold for £30 hammer
Four Victorian and later silver napkin rings including a near pair by William Evans, Londo...
Lot 133: Sold for £40 hammer
A George III silver cream jug baluster shape with scroll handle, maker Ann Smith & Nathani...
Lot 133: Sold for £45 hammer
An Edward VII silver cream jug with reeded, scalloped boxy, Birmingham 1902, together with...
Lot 133: Sold for £90 hammer
A set of six George IV silver fiddle pattern dessert forks with engraved initialled termin...
Lot 133: Sold for £600 hammer
A George IV Victorian silver matched three piece tea set of teapot, circular shape with em...
Lot 133: Sold for £180 hammer
A pair of George III old English pattern tablespoons, makers William Eley, William Fearn &...
A Victorian silver circular bowl, maker Charles Stuart Harris, London 1878 with embossed d...
A Victorian silver christening mug with cast panels in relief of travellers, , scroll hand...
Lot 133: Sold for £140 hammer
A George III silver circular waiter with beaded border, on three scroll feet, maker John C...
Lot 133: Sold for £120 hammer
A pair of George V silver Old English pattern basting spoons Sheffield 1910, 10oz, 30cm...
Lot 133: Sold for £20 hammer
A George V silver mounted glass oil bottle with stopper, maker John Grinwell & Sons, Birmi...
A pair of George V silver dishes, bearing a crest of a wheat sheaf under a banner inscribe...
A cased Edward VII silver shell-shaped butter dish, makers Josiah Williams & Co, London 19...
An Edward VII silver annoiting spoon with engraved bowl and cast handles maker James Wakel...
Four George IV silver Fiddle pattern teaspoons and a Victorian silver teaspoon (a/f two in...
A set of nine Victorian Scottish silver coffee spoons with engraved decoration, maker Will...
Lot 134: Sold for £30 hammer
A matched pair of silver bud vases, maker F & Co, Birmingham 1912 and 1913, 25cm high...
Lot 134: Sold for £60 hammer
A Victorian silver sovereign case, a Continental small silver gilt compact, and another wi...
Lot 134: Sold for £190 hammer
An Edward VII silver cigar case rectangular shape with hammered decoration and plain circu...
Lot 134: Sold for £40 hammer
A George V silver handled carving set of two forks (one a/f), and two knives, in fitted ca...
Lot 134: Sold for £47 hammer
A George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoon with bright cut handle, London 1801,...
Lot 134: Sold for £37 hammer
A George VI silver cigarette case with machine decoration maker Thomas William Lack, Birmi...
Lot 134: Sold for £50 hammer
A pair of George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoons with engraved initials, mak...
An Edward VII silver two-handled circular pedestal bowl with scroll handles, Chester 1908,...
A pair of Edward VII silver dwarf candlesticks, makers Ellis & Co, Birmingham 1909, 9cm hi...
Lot 134: Sold for £85 hammer
An Edwardian silver circular bowl, maker Richard Martin and Ebenezer Hall, Sheffield 1909 ...
Lot 134: Sold for £100 hammer
A Victorian silver tea caddy, Sheffield 1896, maker Walker & Hall, of shaped oval form wit...
Lot 134: Sold for £70 hammer
A Victorian silver mounted glass decanter and stopper, with triform spout, engraved neck a...
Lot 134: Sold for £80 hammer
A George III silver Old English pattern basting spoon London 1780, 3.5oz, 30cm...
Lot 134: Sold for £90 hammer
A Victorian silver soup ladle with oval bowl and fiddle pattern handle, London 1864, 9oz, ...
Lot 134: Sold for £75 hammer
A pair of Victorian silver salts, a George IV silver caddy spoon, a silver mustard (missin...
An Edward VII silver tea canister, maker John Millward Banks, Chester 1902, 10cm high...
Lot 134: Sold for £55 hammer
A Victorian silver mounted green glass scent bottle, maker James Deakin & Sons, Chester 18...
A William IV silver Fiddle pattern soup spoon maker Jonathan Hayne London 1934, 2.6oz...
A pair of George III silver Old English pattern tablespoons with bright cut engraving and ...
Lot 135: Sold for £100 hammer
A George IV fiddle pattern soup ladle, crested, London 1823, together with five Victorian ...
Lot 135: Sold for £42 hammer
A pair of George V silver vases tapered form on loaded circular bases, London 1919, 18cm h...
Lot 135: Sold for £40 hammer
A Victorian silver caster, baluster shape with spiral fluting, maker Charles Stuart Harris...
Lot 135: Sold for £75 hammer
A set of eight Victorian silver fiddle pattern dessert forks, to include four with engrave...
Lot 135: Sold for £95 hammer
An Edward VII silver novelty bird chick pin cushion by Sampson Mordan & Co Ltd, Chester 19...
Lot 135: Sold for £30 hammer
A Victorian silver pepper, Sheffield 1898, together with another pepper and mustard with b...
Lot 135: Sold for £90 hammer
A George V silver mug with rose and thistle floral decoration, with engraved initials, mak...
Lot 135: Sold for £70 hammer
A George III silver topped glass cruet bottle, four other various glass cruets including a...
Lot 135: Sold for £280 hammer
A set of nine William IV silver fiddle pattern tablespoons, maker William Bateman II, Lond...
Lot 135: Sold for £190 hammer
A George III circular silver salver, maker John Crouch and Thomas Hannan, London 1783 with...
A late Victorian silver water jug, maker's worn, possibly William Hutton & Sons, London 19...
A George III silver Old English pattern basting spoon London 1800, 3.4oz, 30cm...
Lot 135: Sold for £200 hammer
An Edward VII large silver mounted dressing table mirror, rectangular shape with pierced f...
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