2838 lots

Lot 83: Sold for £80 hammer

A pair of Edward VII silver sauce boats with flying scroll handles on three shell cast fee...

Lot 83: Sold for £75 hammer

A pair of Edward VII silver vases, maker Edward Barnard & Sons Ltd, London 1902, with embo...

Lot 83: Sold for £130 hammer

Seven various silver mustard spoons; two egg spoons; a pair of tongs; a napkin ring, 6.5oz...

Lot 83: Sold for £170 hammer

A George III silver tablespoon, maker's mark worn, London 1778, together with a pair of si...

Lot 83: Sold for £340 hammer

A Victorian silver teapot, makers Mappin Brothers, London 1871, of melon form with gourd f...

Lot 83: Sold for £27 hammer

An Edwardian silver short candlestick, Birmingham 1909, together with a George V silver tr...

Lot 83: Sold for £170 hammer

A Victorian silver christening mug, Richard Pearce, London 1859 with shaped engraved and r...

Lot 83: Sold for £90 hammer

A pair of George V silver square serviette rings with engraved initials, maker Elkington &...

Lot 83: Sold for £220 hammer

An Edward VII silver teapot circular shape with scalloped border, maker Elkington & Co.Bir...

Lot 83: Sold for £480 hammer

An Edward VII Irish silver mounted horse hoof inkwell with presentation inscription Capt ...

Lot 83: Sold for £110 hammer

A set of six matched silver dessert knives and forks, maker Harrison Brothers and Howson, ...

Lot 84: Sold for £120 hammer

A Victorian silver snuff box, maker Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1900, with engraved lid...

Lot 84: Sold for £430 hammer

A set of four Edwardian heavy silver circular bowls, maker Mappin & Webb, Sheffield 1902 w...

Lot 84: Sold for £75 hammer

Three George III silver Old English pattern teaspoons with engraved initials, London 1804,...

Lot 84: Sold for £240 hammer

A Victorian silver mounted ovoid glass claret jug, Birmingham 1889, 21cm high...

Lot 84: Sold for £160 hammer

A pair of George III silver berry spoons, London 1815, and a similar George III silver ber...

Lot 84: Sold for £130 hammer

An Edward VII silver dish with scroll pierced border on three leaf scroll legs, maker Gold...

Lot 84: Sold for £180 hammer

A collection of silver spoons to include Georgian tea spoons; a pair of silver sugar nips;...

Lot 84: Sold for £120 hammer

A set of five Victorian silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, a set of six George VI coffee spo...

Lot 84: Sold for £40 hammer

A cased pair of George V silver napkin rings, maker Henry Clifford Davis, Birmingham 1917,...

Lot 84: Sold for £60 hammer

A George V silver christening set, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths, London 1913, in fitted case,...

Lot 84: Sold for £270 hammer

A George III silver mug (overstruck maker's mark), London 1792, the body embossed with she...

Lot 84: Sold for £140 hammer

A pair of late Victorian silver toastracks four divisions with central scroll loop handle,...

Lot 84: Sold for £60 hammer

A Victorian silver conserve spoon handle cast with fruiting vines, maker Martin, Hall & Co...

Lot 84: Sold for £110 hammer

A George V silver mounted photograph frame Birmingham 1912, and three later silver rectang...

Lot 84: Sold for £80 hammer

A set of six Victorian silver tea spoons, maker Richard Martin & Ebenezer Hall, London 187...

Lot 85: Sold for £200 hammer

A George III oval silver teapot stand, maker Hester Bateman, London 1786, with beaded bord...

Lot 85: Sold for £360 hammer

An Edward VII silver three-piece tea set of teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug, oval shape w...

Lot 85: Sold for £105 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug, maker Charles Lias, London 1845 with flower and scroll embos...

Lot 85: Sold for £60 hammer

An Edward VII silver mustard cruet with blue glass liner with a matching salt cruet, maker...

Lot 85: Sold for £170 hammer

A matched set of six George III Old English pattern tablespoons, maker Eley Fearn & Chawne...

Lot 85: Sold for £65 hammer

A cased set of four Edward VII silver cruets cauldron shape with gilt interiors and cast s...

Lot 85: Sold for £60 hammer

A George V silver napkin ring, maker George Unite, Birmingham 1915, together with four oth...

Lot 85: Sold for £45 hammer

A 19th century silver bowl punch ladle with turned wooden handle...

Lot 85: Sold for £160 hammer

A collection of George IV and later silver fiddle pattern tea and condiment spoons, variou...

Lot 85: Sold for £32 hammer

A George III silver old English pattern berry spoon, London 1784, together with a cased se...

Lot 85: Sold for £110 hammer

An Edward VII cased set of twelve silver gilt annoiting spoons makers James Wakely & Frank...

Lot 85: Sold for £70 hammer

A set of six Victorian silver coffee spoons with shell bowls, London 1894, a set of six Ge...

Lot 85: Sold for £37 hammer

A cased Victorian silver christening spoon with cast scroll decoration, London 1899, a lat...

Lot 85: Sold for £250 hammer

A pair of George III silver fiddle pattern table spoons; a pair of silver toddy ladles (Lo...

Lot 86: Sold for £45 hammer

A Victorian mother of pearl and silver pen knife, Birmingham 1890, and two silver thimbles...

Lot 86: Sold for £85 hammer

A George V silver quaich, maker's mark worn, Sheffield 1913, 6oz...

Lot 86: Sold for £135 hammer

A Victorian silver sugar caster, maker John Aldwinkle and Thomas Slater, London 1888 with ...

Lot 86: Sold for £270 hammer

A George III silver waiter with cast shell and scroll border and later engraved centre, on...

Lot 86: Sold for £27 hammer

Four Victorian silver backed dressing table items comprising hand mirror, clothes brush, h...

Lot 86: Sold for £340 hammer

An Edward VII silver three piece bachelor tea set circular pedestal form with scroll borde...

Lot 86: Sold for £130 hammer

A William IV silver and coral babies rattle, no makers mark, Birmingham 1838, and a simila...

Lot 86: Sold for £200 hammer

A Victorian silver cake basket, maker Henry Wigfull, Sheffield 1898, with embossed floral ...

Lot 86: Sold for £180 hammer

A silver and tortoiseshell paper clip with wishbone clip and a small 'cockerel' silver and...

Lot 86: Sold for £130 hammer

A Victorian silver teapot, maker Nathan & Hayes, Birmingham 1892, with embossed floral scr...

Results 251 to 300