2838 lots

Lot 79: Sold for £220 hammer

An Edward VII silver milk jug, maker Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1902, of half reeded form, w...

Lot 79: Sold for £50 hammer

A set of six George III silver old English pattern teaspoons (marks worn), six matched Geo...

Lot 79: Sold for £280 hammer

A late Victorian embossed silver dressing table tray decorated with scrolls, flowers and l...

Lot 79: Sold for £80 hammer

A late Victorian silver manicure set case containing five various tools, Birmingham 1898, ...

Lot 79: Sold for £75 hammer

A cased set of six George V silver teaspoons with seal shape terminals maker Mappin and We...

Lot 79: Sold for £140 hammer

A pair of Victorian silver candlesticks, maker Richard Hodd and Richard Hodd, London 1889 ...

Lot 79: Sold for £90 hammer

A pair of Victorian silver cauldron salts, maker TH, Birmingham 1898 with straight gadroon...

Lot 80: Sold for £27 hammer

A pair of George V silver baluster specimen vases on loaded circular bases, Birmingham 191...

Lot 80: Sold for £160 hammer

A George III silver card tray, maker Thomas Hannam and Richard Mills, London 1764, with ra...

Lot 80: Sold for £95 hammer

A George II silver muffineer, maker Sam Wood, London 1755 with pierced dome cover and plai...

Lot 80: Sold for £100 hammer

A George V silver mustard, maker Edward Barnard & Sons Ltd, London 1912, together with a ...

Lot 80: Sold for £420 hammer

A pair of Victorian silver column candlesticks, makers Hawksworth, Eyre & Co Ltd, Sheffiel...

Lot 80: Sold for £47 hammer

A George V silver cruet of mustard (with blue glass liner), salt, and pepper, marks worn, ...

Lot 80: Sold for £270 hammer

A George II silver mug, maker Daniel Piers, London 1749 with chased scroll and leaf panel ...

Lot 80: Sold for £85 hammer

A pair of Edward VII silver vase holders pierced tapered form with floral swags on circula...

Lot 80: Sold for £150 hammer

A George V silver cake slice London 1919 various mustard cruet spoons, teaspoons, desert f...

Lot 80: Sold for £150 hammer

A Victorian silver shell shaped butter dish, maker GMJ, London 1895; together with a set o...

Lot 81: Sold for £42 hammer

A Victorian silver vesta case, maker T H Hazlewood & Co, Birmingham 1899, a sterling silve...

Lot 81: Sold for £1550 hammer

A Victorian silver punch bowl, maker Elkington & Co. Limited, Birmingham 1892 with circula...

Lot 81: Sold for £250 hammer

A George III silver mustard cruet demi reeded cylindrical shape with glass liner and engra...

Lot 81: Sold for £150 hammer

A pair of William IV silver fiddle pattern serving spoons, maker Jonathan Hayne, London 18...

Lot 81: Sold for £130 hammer

A cased set of six Edward VII silver coffee spoons and sugar tongs maker Joseph Rodgers & ...

Lot 81: Sold for £100 hammer

A Victorian silver embossed circular box, maker Charles Stuart Harris, London 1891 decorat...

Lot 81: Sold for £230 hammer

A Victorian silver salver, maker Daniel & Charles Houle, London 1858, with chased floral s...

Lot 81: Sold for £340 hammer

A George III silver trophy cup, maker Charles Price, London 1817, with embossed acanthus l...

Lot 81: Sold for £70 hammer

A Victorian silver sugar bowl and sifter spoon, maker George Maudsley Jackson, London 1896...

Lot 81: Sold for £210 hammer

A George III silver salver, maker Thomas Hannam and John Crouch, London 1800 with raised g...

Lot 81: Sold for £65 hammer

A George III silver mustard spoon a Victorian silver mustard spoon with gilt bowl, a Georg...

Lot 81: Sold for £550 hammer

A George V silver teapot and matching hot water jug circular plain form, maker Alexander C...

Lot 81: Sold for £120 hammer

A pair of silver serving spoons, Chester 1912 with gilt bowls and Apostle handles, 5oz, in...

Lot 81: Sold for £1700 hammer

A large Edwardian oval silver tea tray, makers GH, Sheffield 1904 with raised gallery deco...

Lot 82: Sold for £65 hammer

An Edward VII silver christening mug, maker Barker Brothers, Chester 1909, presented, 4.1o...

Lot 82: Sold for £520 hammer

A Victorian silver tea pot, maker Joseph Savory and Albert Savory, London 1854 with circul...

Lot 82: Sold for £80 hammer

A pair of George V silver candlesticks square baluster shape cast with swag and floral bea...

Lot 82: Sold for £70 hammer

A set of eight George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoons, London 1804, 7.5oz...

Lot 82: Sold for £75 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug baluster shape with embossed flowers and scroll cartouche wit...

Lot 82: Sold for £800 hammer

A George III silver bowl, maker George Smith II, London 1789, crested, on pedestal base, 1...

Lot 82: Sold for £110 hammer

A Victorian embossed silver sugar caster, maker Edgar Finley and Hugh Taylor, London 1887 ...

Lot 82: Sold for £70 hammer

A pair of George III silver teaspoons, three other later silver teaspoons, coffee spoons, ...

Lot 82: Sold for £70 hammer

An Edward VII silver sugar shaker, maker Marples & Co, Birmingham 1904, 6oz...

Lot 82: Sold for £90 hammer

A pair of Edwardian silver napkin rings, maker Goldsmiths & Silversmiths, London 1909, and...

Lot 82: Sold for £550 hammer

A George III three piece silver tea set, maker William Elliot, London 1819/20 with rectang...

Lot 82: Sold for £120 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug pear shaped with three hoofed feet, presentation inscription,...

Lot 82: Sold for £30 hammer

Three small early 20th century silver trophies each with engraved presentation 2.4 oz and ...

Lot 82: Sold for £70 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug oval form with engraved decoration, maker Fenton Bros. Sheffi...

Lot 82: Sold for £200 hammer

A set of seven matched silver William IV fiddle pattern table forks, London 1822 and 1830 ...

Lot 83: Sold for £55 hammer

A Victorian silver mustard, maker JM, Birmingham 1900, with blue glass liner, together wit...

Lot 83: Sold for £110 hammer

A small Edwardian silver circular salver with raised shell and scroll border (marks rubbed...

Lot 83: Sold for £80 hammer

A George V silver card case with engraved initials and date, Chester 1910, another silver ...

Lot 83: Sold for £130 hammer

A Victorian silver mounted tortoiseshell paper knife, monogrammed, London 1897, together w...

Results 201 to 250