2838 lots

Lot 138: Sold for £55 hammer

A pair of Edwardian Old English pattern silver ladles, maker Joseph Ridge, Sheffield 1904,...

Lot 138: Sold for £150 hammer

A set of five William IV silver fiddle pattern dessert spoons, a set of five matching teas...

Lot 138: Sold for £22 hammer

An Edward VII silver lady's spectacles case embossed scroll decoration with engraved initi...

Lot 138: Sold for £160 hammer

A pair of George III silver fiddle pattern sauce ladles, maker Paul Storr, London 1816, cr...

Lot 138: Sold for £70 hammer

A Victorian embossed and pierced silver mounted thermometer, London 1895; together with tw...

Lot 138: Sold for £290 hammer

A George III silver beaker with inscription 'This cup was given me by my landlord Thomas E...

Lot 138: Sold for £65 hammer

A Victorian silver circular pedestal bowl with demi reeded decoration, maker Dobson and So...

Lot 138: Sold for £920 hammer

A Scottish William IV three-piece silver tea set, maker J McKay Edinburgh 1836, comprising...

Lot 138: Sold for £50 hammer

A Victorian silver backed dressing table hand mirror embossed with cupids and shells, bir...

Lot 138: Sold for £120 hammer

A George III silver cream jug, baluster shaped with sparrow beak pourer, plain body with l...

Lot 138: Sold for £110 hammer

An Edward VII silver tea caddy, makers Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1909, with two ring handle...

Lot 138: Sold for £95 hammer

An Edward VII silver tea caddy, makers Barker Brothers, Chester 1909, of half reeded form,...

Lot 138: Sold for £60 hammer

A George III silver caddy spoon maker Josiah Snatt London 1809, a George V silver caddy sp...

Lot 139: Sold for £170 hammer

A Victorian silver teapot, circular baluster shape with engraved decoration, engraved init...

Lot 139: Sold for £40 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug, maker M Bros, Birmingham 1900, with fluted form, on three sh...

Lot 139: Sold for £95 hammer

A Victorian silver mounted horse hoof inkwell rising circular top with presentation inscri...

Lot 139: Sold for £27 hammer

A George III silver handled fruit knife with tortoiseshell handle, 14cm...

Lot 139: Sold for £80 hammer

A Victorian Scottish silver mounted hardwood walking stick, the silver with nobbled wood e...

Lot 139: Sold for £110 hammer

A Victorian silver circular salver with scalloped border, on hoof feet, maker Richard Sibl...

Lot 139: Sold for £80 hammer

An Edward VII silver tea caddy oval cylindrical shape embossed with a Dutch style scene of...

Lot 139: Sold for £27 hammer

A Victorian silver mustard with clear glass liner, maker Horace Woodward & Co Ltd, London ...

Lot 139: Sold for £47 hammer

A Victorian silver coaster, maker John Wilmin Figg, London 1864, together with a Victoria...

Lot 139: Sold for £120 hammer

Three George III Old English pattern silver spoons with engraved initials, an Edward VII O...

Lot 139: Sold for £45 hammer

A pair of George III silver sugar tongs, makers Peter & Ann Bateman, London 1798, a pair o...

Lot 139: Sold for £30 hammer

A pair of short silver table candlesticks with threaded bands on circular bases, Birmingha...

Lot 139: Sold for £80 hammer

A Victorian silver christening mug engraved decoration and scroll handle, maker Elkington ...

Lot 139: Sold for £340 hammer

A Victorian silver salver, maker Martin Hall & Co, London 1890, with shell and scroll bord...

Lot 139: Sold for £600 hammer

A late Victorian large silver circular salver, maker Richard Martin and Ebenezer Hall Shef...

Lot 139: Sold for £40 hammer

An Edward VII silver handled shoe horn, Chester 1908, 22cm, a silver mounted letter opener...

Lot 139: Sold for £55 hammer

An Edwardian silver shell shaped dish, maker HA, Sheffield, 1901, a George V silver two ha...

Lot 139: Sold for £50 hammer

A George V silver dressing table box, makers Stokes & Ireland Ltd, Chester 1911, of scallo...

Lot 139: Sold for £55 hammer

A collection of eight silver Old English pattern teaspoons various dates and makers includ...

Lot 139: Sold for £190 hammer

A collection of seven small dressing table items including an Edward VII silver oval ring ...

Lot 140: Sold for £60 hammer

A Victorian silver christening mug, maker Hilliard & Thomason, Birmingham 1866, the octago...

Lot 140: Sold for £60 hammer

A Victorian silver bonbon dish, maker Samuel Walton Smith, Birmingham 1987, with swirled e...

Lot 140: Sold for £170 hammer

A Victorian Irish silver mug, cylindrical form with embossed floral decoration, engraved i...

Lot 140: Sold for £65 hammer

A set of four George III silver Old English teaspoons, London 1802, another similar with e...

Lot 140: Sold for £80 hammer

Two Edward VII silver vesta cases another silver plated vesta case with enamel plaque of a...

Lot 140: Sold for £47 hammer

Six Victorian Continental silver apostle coffee spoons, import marks for London 1900, toge...

Lot 140: Sold for £120 hammer

A pair of late Victorian silver topped oval glass dressing table boxes, an Edward VII silv...

Lot 140: Sold for £30 hammer

Five various silver teaspoons, George III and later, two silver mustard spoons and a plate...

Lot 140: Sold for £360 hammer

A set of four George IV Irish silver Kings pattern table forks, maker William Cummins, Dub...

Lot 140: Sold for £240 hammer

A pair of Victorian silver oval baskets, maker James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield 1896 with rai...

Lot 140: Sold for £35 hammer

A Victorian silver matchbox cover with embossed scroll top on ball feet, maker James Deaki...

Lot 140: Sold for £180 hammer

A Georgian silver teapot with rectangular body and wooden handle (marks rubbed), 18oz gros...

Lot 140: Sold for £60 hammer

A George III Scottish silver serving slice with fiddle pattern handle, engraved with armor...

Lot 140: Sold for £85 hammer

A George V silver cruet set of mustard, salt and pepper with pierced scroll decoration on...

Lot 140: Sold for £220 hammer

A silver mounted tiger's eye cigar lamp, London 1910 by Barrett & Sons...

Lot 140: Sold for £100 hammer

A set of six George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoons with bright cut engraved...

Lot 140: Sold for £100 hammer

Three George IV silver egg spoons London 1829, a Victorian Kings pattern cruet spoon 1846,...

Results 1251 to 1300