Lot 64: Sold for £90 hammer
A George V silver circular cream jug, another smaller cream jug and a three piece cruet se...
Lot 64: Sold for £250 hammer
A Victorian silver three piece silver tea set, maker William Neal, Chester 1897 comprising...
Lot 64: Sold for £140 hammer
A set of four Victorian silver tea spoons, maker George William Adams, London, 1846, a set...
Lot 64: Sold for £100 hammer
A George III fiddle pattern silver soup ladle, maker John and Henry Lias, London 1819, 6oz...
Lot 64: Sold for £500 hammer
A Victorian silver cased carriage clock, maker Henry Matthews, Birmingham 1901, with bevel...
Lot 64: Sold for £27 hammer
A pair of Scottish silver dessert spoons, maker R Green or R Grierson, Edinburgh 1802, 2oz...
Lot 65: Sold for £65 hammer
A George IV silver mustard with blue glass liner (a/f), Henry Nutting 1821, London, with f...
Lot 65: Sold for £160 hammer
A George IV silver old English pattern table spoon, maker William Bateman, London, 1822, a...
Lot 65: Sold for £100 hammer
A George IV silver fiddle pattern soup ladle, maker C Eley, London 1827 (monogrammed), 6oz...
Lot 65: Sold for £220 hammer
A George V silver salver engraved decoration of fruit and flowers within shaped bead and h...
Nine silver Old English pattern dessert forks, George III and later, various dates and mak...
Lot 66: Sold for £60 hammer
Victorian silver and mother of pearl fish servers, 1890 Sheffield, together with a silver ...
Lot 66: Sold for £95 hammer
A George V silver toastrack six divisions with central handle on ball feet, maker James De...
Lot 66: Sold for £390 hammer
A pair of late Victorian silver candlesticks, maker James Dixon and Sons, Sheffield 1900 w...
Lot 66: Sold for £75 hammer
A pair of Victorian silver napkin rings, Birmingham 1891, together with three other silver...
Lot 66: Sold for £580 hammer
An Edwardian silver circular salver, maker Richard Martin and Ebenezer Hall, Sheffield 190...
Lot 66: Sold for £220 hammer
A Victorian silver hot water jug, baluster shape with reedied base, scroll handle and flor...
Lot 66: Sold for £120 hammer
Two 19th century fiddle and thread pattern silver sauce ladles; two 19th century silver bu...
Lot 67: Sold for £170 hammer
A George V silver trophy cup, Sheffield 1913, together with two other silver trophy cups (...
Lot 67: Sold for £200 hammer
A five piece Victorian silver gilt dressing table set of rectangular tray (a/f), small tri...
Lot 67: Sold for £180 hammer
A George III silver five bottle cruet base, maker Thomas Wallis, London 1778, the base wit...
Lot 67: Sold for £85 hammer
An Edward VII silver mounted cut glass scent bottle, maker Matthew John Jessop, Birmingham...
Lot 67: Sold for £560 hammer
A Victorian silver tea pot, maker Robert Hennell, London 1836, the squat circular body wit...
Lot 67: Sold for £100 hammer
A George V silver vase with knopped stem on circular base, engraved with floral swags and ...
Lot 67: Sold for £70 hammer
Four various George III silver dessert spoons and an 18th century silver table spoon, 7oz...
Lot 68: Sold for £75 hammer
Nine Victorian and later silver napkin rings, various dates and makers, 7oz...
Lot 68: Sold for £150 hammer
A pair of Edward VII silver candlesticks urn sconces with drip trays on fluted baluster st...
Lot 68: Sold for £130 hammer
A set of six Victorian silver dessert knives and six silver forks, maker HA, Sheffield 187...
Lot 68: Sold for £100 hammer
A George V silver sugar caster, octagonal form and pierced design, maker William Adams Ltd...
Lot 68: Sold for £340 hammer
A Victorian silver three piece tea set, Sheffield 1897 with oval bodies and gadroon border...
Lot 68: Sold for £170 hammer
A George V silver matching silver sugar bowl and cream jug rectangular form with gadrooned...
A pair of Victorian silver candlesticks, maker probably Charles Stuart Harris, London 1898...
Lot 68: Sold for £220 hammer
Four various George III Old English pattern table forks and six various George III table s...
Lot 69: Sold for £70 hammer
A pair of William IV fiddle pattern silver sauce ladles, London 1830, together with anothe...
Lot 69: Sold for £110 hammer
A pair of case Victorian silver napkin rings with embossed floral decoration and vacant ca...
Lot 69: Sold for £220 hammer
A Victorian silver tea pot, maker William Hutton & Sons Ltd., London 1898 with oval half r...
Lot 69: Sold for £95 hammer
A pair of George IV silver berry spoons, maker Jonathan Hayne, London 1828, a Victorian si...
A late Victorian embossed silver framed easel photograph frame, maker HM, Chester 1900 wit...
Lot 69: Sold for £100 hammer
A set of four Edward VII silver salts, oval shape with pierced scroll sides on claw and ba...
Lot 69: Sold for £47 hammer
An Edwardian silver bud vase, London 1907 (loaded); another bud vase (loaded); a pair of s...
Lot 69: Sold for £160 hammer
An 18th century silver double-ended marrow scoop (marks rubbed); together with a set of fo...
Lot 70: Sold for £140 hammer
A George IV silver card tray, Wm Brown 1828 London, engraved initials, 15oz, 24cm...
Lot 70: Sold for £42 hammer
A cased set of six Edward VII silver apostle tea spoons maker John Dixon, Sheffield 1904 a...
Lot 70: Sold for £320 hammer
A George III silver chamber candlestick with cone shaped snuffer, makers Peter and William...
Lot 70: Sold for £55 hammer
A set of six George III silver Old English pattern teaspoons, maker George Wintle, London ...
Lot 70: Sold for £65 hammer
A set of five George IV silver fiddle pattern dessert spoons, maker James Beebe, London 18...
Lot 70: Sold for £85 hammer
A silver back hand mirror and two matching clothes brushes and a pair of silver matching c...
Lot 70: Sold for £40 hammer
Five Edwardian silver fish forks and three fish knives maker Elkington and Co. Birmingham ...
Lot 70: Sold for £20 hammer
A Victorian silver handled shoe horn and button hook (circa 1886) in case...
Lot 70: Sold for £100 hammer
A Victorian silver fish slice, makers John and Henry Lias, London 1845 with pierced blade ...
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