2838 lots

Lot 95: Sold for £160 hammer

A George III silver circular salver, maker Robert Jones, London 1774 with raised gadroon a...

Lot 95: Sold for £55 hammer

Six various silver serviette rings (a/f) a George III silver Old English pattern teaspoon ...

Lot 95: Sold for £210 hammer

A William IV silver teapot circular shape with gadroon border, makers Edward, Edward Jnr.,...

Lot 95: Sold for £320 hammer

Seven Victorian silver Kings pattern dessert forks maker William Eaton London 1839, Two Wi...

Lot 95: Sold for £7400 hammer

A Russian silver and enamel triptych, the centre panel enamelled with a scene of the seate...

Lot 96: Sold for £360 hammer

A George V silver three piece tea set of teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug, oval shape with...

Lot 96: Sold for £55 hammer

A George V silver goliath pocket watch stand, maker Mappin & Webb, Birmingham 1911, monogr...

Lot 96: Sold for £75 hammer

Three early 19th century silver sugar tongs (two Old English pattern and one threaded edge...

Lot 96: Sold for £80 hammer

A George V silver Aladdin's lamp table lighter with coiled snake handle, maker Mappin & We...

Lot 96: Sold for £55 hammer

An oval Victorian mustard with blue glass liner, Chester 1897, together with two George V ...

Lot 96: Sold for £55 hammer

An Edward VII silver photograph frame with shaped scroll embossed border (a/f) Birmingham ...

Lot 96: Sold for £75 hammer

A Victorian silver policeman's whistle, maker Joseph Jennens & Co, Birmingham 1852, in cas...

Lot 96: Sold for £280 hammer

An Edward VII silver salver, maker Richard Martin & Ebenezer Hall, Sheffield 1909, with sc...

Lot 96: Sold for £50 hammer

A pair of George V silver salt cruets oval form with four paw feet and blue glass liners, ...

Lot 96: Sold for £90 hammer

A small 19th century Continental silver tea caddy with measure cover (import 925 mark) wit...

Lot 96: Sold for £85 hammer

An Edward VII silver pedestal bonbon dish, maker Selfridge & Co, London, 1908, with scallo...

Lot 96: Sold for £100 hammer

A set of four George IV silver Old English pattern teaspoons, maker Thomas Dicks, London 1...

Lot 96: Sold for £1100 hammer

A pair of George V silver entree dishes, rectangular shape with scalloped corners, maker T...

Lot 96: Sold for £150 hammer

A set of six Victorian silver tea spoons with fancy handles and floral decorated bowl back...

Lot 96: Sold for £90 hammer

A pair of Edward VII silver column candlesticks, makers Hawksworth, Eyre & Co Ltd, Sheffie...

Lot 96: Sold for £95 hammer

An Edward VII silver caddy spoon and a collection of assorted silver servers to include a ...

Lot 96: Sold for £100 hammer

Two pairs of George III silver Old English pattern table spoons with bright cut engraved d...

Lot 97: Sold for £110 hammer

An Edward VII silver pierced dish, maker Williams Ltd, Birmingham 1902, with embossed flor...

Lot 97: Sold for £260 hammer

A George III silver goblet, maker John Emes, London 1798, monogrammed, 6.8oz...

Lot 97: Sold for £70 hammer

A collection of eight Victorian and later silver lidded cut glass dressing table jars and ...

Lot 97: Sold for £190 hammer

Seven Victorian silver fiddle pattern dessert spoons with initialled handles, 11oz...

Lot 97: Sold for £42 hammer

A George V silver tea strainer and stand maker E Edmonds Birmingham 1913, pair of silver m...

Lot 97: Sold for £750 hammer

A matched Victorian/Edwardian silver fiddle pattern part canteen, maker J H Potter, Sheffi...

Lot 97: Sold for £210 hammer

A cased George V silver gilt sugar castor large baluster shape with removable domed top, i...

Lot 97: Sold for £50 hammer

A Victorian silver propelling pencil, maker Sampson Mordan & Co, London 1896, together wit...

Lot 97: Sold for £60 hammer

An Edward VII and later matched silver backed dressing table set with embossed angelic des...

Lot 97: Sold for £160 hammer

A George V silver dressing table set of two brushes, handmirror (a/f glass missing) and ov...

Lot 97: Sold for £85 hammer

A Continental spoon with figure capital handle and shallow bowl (marks rubbed)...

Lot 97: Sold for £100 hammer

A Victorian silver snuff box, rectangular shape with engraved scroll decoration and cast t...

Lot 97: Sold for £80 hammer

A Victorian silver salt and pepper, maker Horace Woodward & Co, London 1891, an egg cup an...

Lot 97: Sold for £190 hammer

An Edward VII silver mounted claret jug with embossed leaf decoration, maker Mappin & Webb...

Lot 97: Sold for £37 hammer

A Georgian punch ladle with oval bowl and coin inset and whale bone handle...

Lot 97: Sold for £42 hammer

A pair of Edward VII silver posy vases on tapered knopped stems and loaded circular bases,...

Lot 97: Sold for £100 hammer

A Victorian silver cream jug oval shape with engraved banding (a/f) maker Josiah Williams ...

Lot 97: Sold for £75 hammer

A Victorian silver Kings pattern table spoon and three other smaller spoons including a Sc...

Lot 97: Sold for £80 hammer

A pair of George III silver Old English pattern table spoons, London 1814 another similar ...

Lot 98: Sold for £50 hammer

A pair of George V silver vases, tapered form with flared rims, on loaded circular bases, ...

Lot 98: Sold for £95 hammer

A William IV silver milk jug, maker Charles Fox, London 1837, with scroll handle, 6.2oz...

Lot 98: Sold for £190 hammer

An Edward VII three piece breakfast tea set of teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug, oval shap...

Lot 98: Sold for £120 hammer

A set of six George III silver tea spoons, makers William Eley Fearn and Chawner, London 1...

Lot 98: Sold for £65 hammer

A Victorian silver vase baluster form with embossed scroll border and base, maker Fenton B...

Lot 98: Sold for £60 hammer

Assorted Victorian and later dressing table items including a silver backed mirror, brush ...

Lot 98: Sold for £150 hammer

An Edward VII silver circular card dish with raised wavy border and engraved decoration, m...

Lot 98: Sold for £600 hammer

A pair of George III silver sauce boats, maker William & Robert Peaston, London 1762, with...

Lot 98: Sold for £80 hammer

A Victorian silver helmet shaped cream jug London 1881, 3.5oz, a plated basket and christe...

Results 451 to 500